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What is Creative Psychotherapy (CP)?

A method of therapy where creativity supports the process of healing, internal pain and conflict.

You do not need to have any skills in art.

You need the will to grow, to free yourself of obstacles obscuring your clarity, and live life flowingly.

What CP offers?

CP gives you a safe space to understand your feelings and learn from them.

CP offers you many ways to unfold and explore hidden aspects of yourself at your own pace and readiness.

CP helps you develop your creativity in all aspects of life, and to improve your ability to discover solutions to complex problems.

What Creative Psychotherapy involves?

Confidentiality: Everything discussed in the sessions and all the creative work produced will be protected

under strict confidentiality policies as defined by the British Assosiation of Art Therapy(BAAT)

and regulatory bodies of psychotherapy and counselling.

Creative Work: The making of creative work with a wide range of art materials.

The creative work will be kept safe by the facilitator until the conclusion of the sessions.

Space: Sessions happen in a private and confidential space usually on a weekly basis.

Space for you: Your own space to reflect, explore and discover free of judgement and expectations.

Guidance: The CP will not tell you what your creative works mean. Instead you will explore

together the creative work and the meaning it has for you.

Who is CP practice for?

CP is for everyone. There is no limit on age, ability, gender, background, or culture.

CP can work for finding direction when facing a difficult time as well as when struggling with chronic severe mental health problems.

CP is a practice applied in a wide range of settings. In private practice, in hospitals, in schools and in community centres to name just a few.

The initial assessment is the space for you to be listened to, to see if I am the right therapist for you, and find how creative psychotherapy, or couples therapy, or psychosexual and relations therapy can work for you.